Think Pink All Year Long


October is always one of my favorite months…beautiful fall weather, changing leaves, fun fall activities and of course, Halloween! One other very important event to remember in October…it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I know that I usually stick to fashion content on here, but I am passionate about reminding women to take care of themselves and thought this post about Breast Cancer Awareness deserved a permanent place on the blog.

As we celebrate survivors, support fighters and honor those we have lost to breast cancer, it is a good reminder to “think pink” all year long. This month is a great reminder that as women, we need to put our health first, including our breast health. The past year and a half have been stressful for everyone, and it is easy to put our own health and check ups off when we are focused on so many other things. But I can’t be the best wife, mom, employee and friend unless I take care of myself.

One thing I do to stay healthy is get my annual mammogram. And between my annual screenings, I keep up with my other well visits and try to eat healthy and exercise, although truth-be-told, I have a lot of opportunity for improvement with this. I know first hand that breast screenings save lives, as I have several friends who discovered their breast cancer early though an annual monogram and are now in remission. My breast health is a priority because I want to show my daughters that it is important to take care of all parts of our body to be the healthiest version of ourselves.

I wanted to share a few facts about mammograms and breast cancer that I learned from Charlotte Radiology:

  • 3 out of 4 women diagnosed with breast cancer have no known risk factors, including no family history

  • Annual screening mammograms starting at 40 years of age have reduced cancer deaths by approximately 40%

  • 3D digital mammograms can show changes in the breast up to 2 years before you or a physical may detect it through a self or clinical exam

  • Women whose breast cancer is detected, diagnosed and treated in the earliest stages (stage 0 and stage 1) have a nearly 100% 5 year survival rate

I am proud to partner with Charlotte Radiology this Breast Cancer Awareness Month as we advocate for breast health, as early detection is key. Thanks so much for reading Smart Southern Style, and please, if you haven’t already, schedule your annual mammogram!